Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Habit of the Week - Homemade food By Tysan Lerner

There has been a recent trend that suggests healthy lunch ideas you can get at a fast-food chain. Although fast-food chains are making a great effort to appeal to more people by incorporating so called healthy options into their menus, their understanding of the existing healthy guidelines is perhaps a bit too superficial.

For one point of view, breaking up the energy and chemical makeup of our dietary needs makes perfect sense, but in such a highly polluted world, where we have traveled far from nature and into the land of scientifically “improving” our food products, it is time for us to really think before eating. Think about where the food was produced, how it was produced, what has been added to it, and how far it is from its natural state. Otherwise, we will continue killing ourselves slowly.

For example, you can get lower fat, lower calorie, and a variety of food groups at those fast-food restaurants, but are they healthy? If you have dairy filled with residues of growth hormones, antibiotics, sugar, preservatives, and dyes, is it still good for you? If you have all wheat-based carbohydrates that are highly processed and stripped of their nutrients, and preserved for unlimited “freshness,” will it still feed your body’s nutritional needs? If you have meat or poultry that has been fed food it’s not supposed to eat, and held in toxic environments making it prone to illness and psychosis, is that meat product still healthy because it is grilled instead of fried?

The Epoch Times has been investigating the poisoning of our food products imported from China. Upon reading that babies have been hospitalized or killed by tainted infant formula, and a number of snacks have been recalled because they’ve been tainted with melamine, one must think twice before deciding what to eat.

This poisoned food is a dramatic and immediate threat to our health, but over the years, we have greatly incorporated a slew of poisons into our bodies. This week, try eating homemade, non-processed foods that are preservative free, organic, free-range, growth hormone, and antibiotic free. Despite the higher cost for meats and dairy, you may find yourself ultimately spending less and eating less.

Last Updated
Nov 17, 2008