Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Can MSG Cause Obesity?

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food ingredient that is used to enhance flavor and palatability. It is the glutamate—the amino acid part—of the MSG molecule that does the job in this respect. MSG (and other sources of glutamate) can be found in a wide range of processed foods with the blessing of our governments and food agencies.

However, there has been lingering concern that glutamate might have some adverse effects on health, paralleling the effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame.One concern about aspartame has been that, despite being virtually devoid of calories, it might be contributing to the burden of overweight and obesity. It seems that aspartame can stimulate appetite.Some have leveled a charge that MSG may promote weight gain on the basis of experiments that showing it has this unwanted side effect in animals. However, until recently, the relationship between MSG consumption and weight gain had not been assessed in humans.That changed on the publication of a study this month in the journal Obesity [1].

The study, conducted in China, assessed the relationship between MSG consumption and body mass index (BMI) in 752 men and women aged 40 to 59. The researchers divided the participants in this study into three bands, according to MSG consumption. Compared to those in the lowest consumption band, those in the highest were found to be 2.75 times more likely to have a BMI of more than 25.This link between MSG consumption and increased body weight may have many explanations. The two obvious ones are that MSG somehow led individuals to consume more food or be less active. However, in this study, the authors accounted for these potential factors, which means that the link between MSG consumption and increased body weight appears to be independent of these factors.

The suggestion here is that MSG, the glutamate part, may have one or more metabolic effects in the body that might predispose consumers to weight gain. As it happens, administering MSG to animals has been shown to induce various changes that promote fat accumulation, including suppression of fat breakdown (lipolysis) [2]. The free, full-text version of this study is linked to below, which details other effects of MSG that might affect body weight in the long term.What is required now is for more work to be done to assess what effects MSG might have on human physiology that might cause weight gain. If one of the most commonly used food additives does indeed have the potential to cause weight gain, then it’s only right that we should know.

References:1. He K, et al. Association of Monosodium Glutamate Intake With Overweight in Chinese Adults: The INTERMAP Study. Obesity 2008; 16(8): 1875–18802. Dolnikoff M, et al. Decreased lipolysis and enhanced glycerol and glucose utilization by adipose tissue prior to development of obesity in monosodium glutamate (MSG) treated-rats. International Journal of Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders 2001; 25(3): 426–33

Dr. John Briffa is a London-based physician and author with an interest in nutrition and natural medicine. Dr. Briffa's Web site
Last UpdatedOct 23, 2008

Breast-Feeding Helps Moms to Lose Weight

NEW YORK—New moms may be better able to return to their pre-pregnancy weight by exclusively breast-feeding their infants, according to new research.“The practice of exclusive breast-feeding helps mothers lose the weight accumulated during pregnancy and do that faster compared to those who don’t practice exclusive breast-feeding,”
Dr. Alex Kojo Anderson, of the University of Georgia in Athens, told Reuters Health.Anderson and colleagues compared pre-pregnancy and at-delivery weight, with weight at 12 weeks after delivery, among 24 mothers, aged 19 to 42 years. Seventeen of these new moms exclusively breast-fed their infants, while nine mothers mixed-fed their infants, using formula or a combination of formula and breast milk.According to the findings, published online in the International Breast-feeding Journal, during the first 4 weeks after delivery, mothers in the mixed-feeding group lost more of their at-delivery weight than did mothers who exclusively breast-fed.
However, from 8 to 12 weeks, this trend reversed.When Anderson’s team compared the women’s post-pregnancy weight loss according to their pre-pregnancy weight, mothers who exclusively breast-fed lost more weight at 2-, 4, 8-, and 12-weeks after delivery than did mothers in the mixed-feeding group.This weight loss trend was evident in spite of the greater caloric intake and lower activity level among breast-feeding mothers, compared with mixed-feeding mothers, the investigators found.Moreover, “the trend in percent body fat loss was statistically significant among exclusive breast-feeding mothers and not the other group of mothers,” Anderson added.“
Our results provide further evidence that exclusive breast-feeding promotes greater weight loss than mixed feeding among mothers even in the early postpartum period,” Anderson and colleagues say. Encouraging mothers to exclusively breastfeed their infants is one way to help these women avoid becoming overweight or obese, they conclude.
Source: International Breastfeeding Journal, August 2008
Last UpdatedSep 24, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Vitamin C Retards Bone Loss in Older Men

WASHINGTON—Your mother was right: eating fruits and vegetables is good for you. But some new research suggests her advice is good for a very long time, even into old age. It appears that older men who eat fruits and vegetables can delay the onset of brittle bone disease known as osteoporosis.
For years, doctors focused on studying osteoporosis in women only. But men are living longer than in the past, and as they age, their bones also can get brittle and break easily. Tufts University researcher Katherine Tucker explains there are parts of the body where bone loss is a particular problem.“We want to prevent hip fractures,” she says. “And the spine is another area that is really at risk of spinal compression and loss ... that reduces height over time.”Many doctors recommend people eat foods that include calcium to keep their bones strong. But in an earlier study, Tucker found that people who ate lots of fruits and vegetables had stronger bones over time than people who didn’t eat fruits and vegetables regularly.
“The fruits and vegetables provide molecules which help reduce acidity in the blood, which helps reduce bone resorption,” Tucker says. Resorption means the breaking down of bone cells to release calcium into the blood.In this follow-up study, Tucker and her colleagues recruited men whose average age was about 75 years old. Over a period of four years, the researchers used a bone scanner to make regular measurements of the men’s hips, spines, and forearms. Tucker also had the men keep detailed information about what they ate. In particular, she asked about vitamin C, because vitamin C seems to slow down bone resorption.“We were able to see that vitamin C was quite protective against bone loss over four years,” Tucker says. “It was most significant in men who also had either low calcium or low vitamin E intake.”
Tucker says low amounts of calcium in the blood is an obvious risk factor for osteoporosis. But she says it also seems vitamin C is protective for people at risk. Tucker says when people have low levels of vitamin E in their bodies; it seems like higher levels of vitamin C also make up that lack.Vitamin C is found commonly in many fruits and vegetables. But Tucker says the men with the strongest bones also had taken vitamin C supplements.
“We found that the total vitamin C was what really mattered,” she says. “But in this case, in order to see the protection from vitamin C, it was at a level that was mainly achieved from supplements.”Tucker is continuing research on which nutrients can keep bones strong, long after mother has stopped telling you to eat your vegetables.Her study is published in the Journal of Nutrition.
Editor’s Note: Vitamin D is also very important to maintain bone density.
Last UpdatedOct 23, 2008

Pomegranate Juice Health Benefits

Varieties of pomegranate juice found on grocery store shelf in Tennessee. (Sabina Kupershmidt/The Epoch Times)

A Google search for the keywords “pomegranate juice health benefits” returned over half a million entries. Putting a slight damper on this exuberance, a PubMed search (a public repository of expert-reviewed biomedical literature) returned only seven entries. This discrepancy may simply imply that there has not yet been the time or funding to launch careful studies, which generally require careful planning, years of study and large financial commitments.

However, the medical community is becoming interested in pomegranate. This can be ascribed to the fact that many of today’s diseases are due to “oxidative stress,” and pomegranate is replete with potentially beneficial antioxidants, including polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins. Oxidative stress in human tissues is akin to the process that is generally called rusting in metal objects, and antioxidants can prevent this process of deterioration.

For example, the pathological consequences of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, are partly due to oxidative damage to tissues.Beats Red Wine and Green TeaIt is significant that one of the seven PubMed entries mentioned bears the title “Comparison of antioxidant potency of commonly consumed polyphenol-rich beverages in the United States” [1]. The study concluded that the juice had the greatest antioxidant potency among 10 commonly consumed “health drinks,” including red wine and green tea. Although the authors of the study caution that their results, which were derived in a test tube, do not necessarily imply beneficial effects in a human body, there is reason to be optimistic.

Further digging into the medical literature revealed that pomegranate juice is being investigated for its effects on diabetes. A small clinical study with diabetic patients conducted in Israel, the land of pomegranates, showed beneficial effects on the cellular mediators of atherosclerosis, a common consequence of diabetes [2].A second study [3] was even more encouraging: Patients with existing ischemic coronary heart disease (making them prone to heart attacks), who consumed about 8 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for three months, experienced an improvement in their heart condition.Patients who did not receive pomegranate juice, on average, continued to worsen over the same time period.

Reassuring to diabetics who have to worry about consuming sugar-containing fruit juices, pomegranate juice consumption did not worsen indicators of the diabetic condition.Efforts are underway to determine whether pomegranate juice might be effective as a chemopreventive agent, that is, whether it might prevent cancers from starting. Animal studies and cell-culture studies indicate that pomegranate extracts have properties that put the brakes on the unlimited growth potential of cancer cells.

Pomegranate oils are even being investigated as possible skin protective agents from harmful UV rays [4].PowerhouseDr. Jack Roberts, a professor of pharmacology at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn., calls pomegranate juice “the powerhouse of antioxidants.” Since no adverse effects have been reported with pomegranate juice consumption, it may be a good idea to add it to the diet.

For those who would rather eat the fruit than drink the juice but are wondering how to separate the juicy, translucent red seeds from the peel and skin compartments, try this simple solution: Cut off the top and then drop the fruit into a big bowl of water, and peel it with your fingers inside the water. The peel and skin will float to the top and the seeds will sink to the bottom. Just remember, you would probably have to eat a small bucketful of pomegranates to consume the equivalent of antioxidants found in an ounce of the concentrate. Enjoy!

References:1. Comparison of antioxidant potency of commonly consumed polyphenol-rich beverages in the United States. Seeram NP, Aviram M, Zhang Y, Henning SM, Feng L, Dreher M, Heber D. 2008. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry; 56:1415–22. Epub Jan. 26.2. Rosenblat M, Hayek T, Aviram M. Anti-oxidative effects of pomegranate juice (PJ) consumption by diabetic patients on serum and on macrophages. Atherosclerosis; 2006 187(2): 363–71.3. Effects of Pomegranate Juice Consumption on Myocardial Perfusion in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease. Sumner, MD, Elliott-Eller M, Weidner G, Daubenmier JJ, Chew MH, Marlin R, Raisin CJ, and Ornish D. 2005. American Journal of Cardiology; 96:810–814.4. Pomegranate derived products for cancer chemoprevention. 2007. Syed DN, Afaq F, Mukhtar H. Seminars in Cancer Biology; 17:377–385

Dr. Kupershmidt is a research associate professor in the department of anesthesiology at Vanderbilt University. She may be contacted at sabinak@epochtimes.com

Last Updated Oct 20, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Beneficial Broccoli - Especially good for COPD patients

Broccoli has shown promise in the treatment of chronic lung disease. (Louise Valentine/The Epoch Times)NEW YORK—People who suffer with the chronic breathing disorder known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may benefit from a second helping of broccoli at dinner, research published Sept.12 suggests.

COPD is a progressive lung condition that is mostly seen in smokers and former smokers. It is characterized by emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which obstructs airflow to the lungs. Dr. Shyam Biswal from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore and colleagues have found a correlation between more severe COPD and a decrease in lung concentrations of a specific protein called NRF2, which protects the lung against inflammation-related injury.

Broccoli contains a compound that helps stabilize NRF2 levels in the lung.Biswal and colleagues analyzed tissue samples from the lungs of smokers and former smoker with or without COPD. When compared with healthy lung tissue, COPD lung tissue showed a marked decline in the activity and concentrations of NRF2-dependent, inflammation-fighting antioxidants. This defect seen in the COPD lung appears to be associated with reduction in another protein called DJ-1, whose main function is to stabilize NRF2 and prevent its degradation. Clear signs of cell-damaging oxidative stress in the COPD lungs were also evident.In the lab, the broccoli compound sulforaphane was able to restore the antioxidant imbalance in COPD lung tissue, the researchers found.“

Future studies should target NRF2 as a novel strategy to increase antioxidant protection in the lungs and test its ability to decrease exacerbations and improve lung function in patients with COPD,” Biswal said.Increasing NRF2 “may also restore important detoxifying enzymes to counteract other effects of tobacco smoke,” Dr. Peter Barnes of the National Heart and Lung Institute in London, writes in a commentary published with the study.

This was been achieved in animals by isothiocyanate compounds, such as sulforaphane, which occurs naturally in broccoli, he explains.In a written statement, Dr. John Heffner, past president of the American Thoracic Society, commented, “mounting evidence over several decades underscores the importance of oxidant-mediated damage for the development of COPD in addition to other lung diseases. ”“This study adds greater precision to our understanding of the specific antioxidants that may protect the lung against (COPD) to allow clinical trials based on valid pathophysiologic principles,” Heffner added.

Source: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, September 2008
Last Updated Oct 16, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Snoring - Some Simple Remedies

As a Doctor and a Health Coach, I find that many of my patients and clients ask me about snoring. It usually isn't THEIR snoring they're concerned about, but rather their spouse's! So in the interest of a good night's sleep for the "non-snoring" population, here are some tips to help our beloved "afflicted" ones:-

I've found snoring to be caused by a few factors, and lifestyle modification is the answer to many of them:-

1. Eating too late at night
2. Eating too much late in the day, at night before bed, and/or eating too many carbohydrates (pastas, breads, starches, etc.)
3. Sleep and exercise go hand-in-hand and if neither is balanced, you're more likely to snore. And snoring can cause a "vicious cycle" because if you're not getting enough sleep or you're only getting a poor quality of sleep you'll be less motivated to exercise because they are simply too tired; and if you haven't exercised, you'll be less likely to get into a deep, restful state of sleep to catch up.
4. Exposure to tobacco, especially commercial cigarettes, notice I said exposure... particularly when combined with the other "risk factors" I've mentioned above, can increase the chances for snoring. I've observed that even second hand smoke can increase incidences of snoring!

The GOOD news is snoring can be greatly reduced or eliminated with a few simple lifestyle changes! Hooray!

May I suggest:-

1. Start a simple exercise plan each day... walk for 15-30 minutes, the more rigorous, the better...brisk, fast paced walking is better than running, as it causes less damage to the body.
2. Eat smaller meals and eat regularly throughout the day. Don't bunch up all your food, your calories, for night time. This will produce good results for your waistline, as well!
3. Get to sleep at a regular time and create some habit to help you do that. For example, if I wanted to be asleep by 10 PM each night I would:-
a. Turn off the TV by 9:00 PM (record your favorite shows and watch them tomorrow!)
b. Drink some valerian or chamomile tea to help soothe your body and mind and ready them for sleep.
c. Read a little bit in bed.
d. Exercise during the day, which can help you fall asleep the fastest!
4. Reduce or eliminate tobacco usage.

Unfortunately, there aren't any known vitamins or supplements that will help stop snoring, however there is a new gadget out that might help you eliminate it. Check out the Nasailine Snoring Device. It comes in medium and large sizes. This unique device was innovatively designed for optimal nostril expansion, without discomfort, to help us sleep better naturally, breathe easier, snore less, and get relief from both allergy and cold symptoms. It can be used to improve physical activity by improving air intake.

Snoring should not be confused with sleep apnea, which is when someone's breathing "skips" or "pauses" during sleep. If you notice this to be the case, you should consult with a sleep doctor or sleep expert. You can read more about sleep apnea at http://www.sleepapnea.org

Dr. Brett Saks is a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (NMD), Author, Lecturer and Health Coach. Please visit him at his website, http://www.drsaks.com where you'll learn about great new Teleseminars scheduled for 2008, browse vitamins, minerals, supplements, and alternative products that support your health and well being, and find services geared toward health education and information exchanges we have all been searching for. While you're there, check out his blog, "Ask the Doctor", and his Coaching Center!

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Exactly How Does a Lack of Sleep Affect the Body?

Many people that regularly skip sleeping for the recommended amount of time each night or regularly experience insomnia will find that a lack of sleep can have many negative effects on the body. Getting enough sleep rejuvenates the body and repairs the damage that is caused to the body during the normal actions of the day. When the body does not get enough rest, the damage can not be repaired and continues to get worse as each day passes.

It is important for people to understand how lack of sleep affects the body so that they will be more conscious about the effects of not getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. A lack of sleep can cause injury, loss of brain function, and even death if continued for a long period of time. The effects of a consistent lack of sleep can be very dangerous to the person and others around them. The longer the person goes without sleep, the worse the effects will be until the person collapses and becomes hospitalized or has a fatal accident.

A lack of sleep affects different parts of the body in different ways and in different degrees depending on how long the person has gone without sleep. The biggest effects of lack of sleep on the body can be seen in the brain of the person. Going without sleep for a 24 hour period can result in the person exhibiting behavior resembling drunkenness, with studies showing that people in this condition are more dangerous when driving than people that are legally drunk.

People that are suffering from a lack of sleep can experience memory lapses, decreased concentration, and hallucinations. As this continues, the person can experience depersonalization where they do not believe that they or any of the people around them are real, almost as if they feel they are living in a dream. Psychotic episodes may also appear in the person which may or may not disappear after the person has returned to a normal sleeping schedule.

A lack of sleep does not only affect the brain, but affects many other areas of the body as well. People that have gone without the proper amount of sleep for a long amount of time can experience muscle fatigue, a weakened immune system, blurred vision, headaches, and nausea. Other effects such as muscle tremors, color blindness, hyperactivity, and weight loss or gain may also occur.

Lack of sleep has been linked to many different health conditions including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and many different mental conditions. In most cases, returning to normal sleep each night can stop these conditions but in some cases, the damage is irreversible. There are many different ways that a lack of sleep can affect the body and each of the consequences of not getting enough rest at night can be dangerous to the person's health and well being.

Do you know enough about the effect of insomnia on your body? Insomnia can be treated and you can learn how now by clicking on over to http://www.Slumbertroubles.com.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Easy Ways To Lower High Blood Pressure

I wanted to show you that there are easy ways to lower high blood pressure. A lot of people out there have this problem, but there doesn't seem to be a real concern about it. People still eat the wrong foods and refuse to do any exercise when their own doctor tells them that this what they need to do. It's sad really. The problem is that the flow of blood through the body is getting obstructed. This is caused by the bad type of cholesterol that we eat. Our arteries fill up and it gets harder for the heart to push blood through the body. Eventually this will lead to problems with the heart and cause strokes. I'm going to show you ways to lower high blood pressure that aren't as hard as you'd assume they would be.

The first thing you're going to have to do is put a plan in place to lower your cholesterol. There are many methods of doing this and it is all done through changes in the diet. I'm a big fan of consuming essential fatty acids (EFA). This means you take fish oil or flax seed oil because they will reduce it for you. Other people look for something simple. Having a bowl of cheerios every morning has been proven to reduce cholesterol. It's important to stick with something that you know you can do consistently.

One of the easiest ways to lower high blood pressure is to start doing light exercise. You don't have to act like a world class athlete when you start. As you do this consistently, you'll build up stamina. As you start getting your body into a more active and healthy state, you'll notice that the fat on your body will start to disappear, making it much easier on your heart to pump blood.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Drink to Healthy Living With Filtered Water

A drinking water filter system can be one of the most important tools we have for healthy living. Water is a basic component of our everyday lives and the cleaner and healthier we can make the water we use, the better off we'll be in the long run. That's why finding and using safe, effective water filtering products is so critical.

Water is one of the building blocks of life. In fact, the human body is made up of more than 70% water. It is essential for the proper function of just about every one of our internal systems. Impurities in water can lead to a range of problems from headaches to respiratory difficulty to nausea. A water filter system can help to prevent these and other problems and ensure that you and your family are getting the healthiest water possible

While most municipal water companies claim to remove toxins from water supplies, none of these treatment options are completely successful. No matter how hard they try, almost all city water contains some level of contaminants. As a result, installing some sort of drinking water filter system in your home has become a necessity in order to remove contaminants and render the water we use for drinking, washing and cooking completely safe.

Every day, we allow any number of chemicals and other toxins to leech into our water supply. When those toxins are consumed or absorbed during daily water usage, they can have an extremely damaging effect. This is especially true for small children and the elderly, whose immune systems are underdeveloped or weakened. But the simple fact is that every one of us can benefit from using a water filter system to purify our water supply.

In recent years, the water filtration industry has responded to the consumer demand for more effective products by developing a whole range of filtration products. As we've even begun to recognize the shortcomings of bottled water, the drinking water filter system has taken on added significance among health conscious individuals.

With increases in standards when it comes to what is considered healthy water, the science of water filtration has developed and grown. Technology has advanced from the earliest single filter and reverse osmosis systems to multi-stage filters which trap even more contaminants. And a water filter system can now be tailored to cover either an individual faucet or shower (point of use) or expanded to cover an entire house by attaching at the main water supply (point of entry).

Whichever make and model you choose, the end goal is to provide your family with the cleanest water possible. A drinking water filter system which removes contaminants and leaves behind water rich in minerals and vitamins can make all the difference. In order to ensure that you are getting the best option, carefully read through all the manufacturer's information on each product and consider which will best fit your needs.

We all want to live long, healthy lives and that means eating right and using clean, pure water for our everyday needs. Give your family peace of mind by finding a water filter system which meets your needs. Do your homework today and you can be drinking to a healthy life.

Charles Jacobson has studied health related issues for over 8 years. His research led him to realizing the importance of pure water as it relates to overall health. Charles shares what he has learned on his website Natural Purified Water. For more information about water purification and to see the water filter systems he personally recommends visit Natural Purified Water.

Common Asthma Attack Symptoms - Learn To Identify Common Asthma Symptoms

Asthma attack symptoms may vary according to individuals. With the proper guidance from health professionals, these symptoms, if not avoided, can be prevented. As soon as early signs of these symptoms are detected, action plans should be taken early so needful treatments can be applied.

Asthma attack symptoms are easily recognized. Among these symptoms include the increase in urination, thirstiness, and irritation of the throat and nose. These symptoms commonly occur before asthma attacks. However, not all asthmatic persons would experience similar severity of symptoms. Just the same, it may always vary depending on the peculiar pattern of the early signs of symptoms. If not properly treated, these symptoms can lead to severe distress of the respiratory system.

Among the common asthma attack symptoms that are identified, are shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Exhaling and wheezing are the actual symptoms seen during an asthma attack. These symptoms begin with rapid breathing whereas the respiratory airways of the person are tightened and constricted. During the attack, all the breathing muscles inside the body will become visibly active.

Chest pain or tightness is usually the first asthma attack symptoms experienced by an asthmatic person. It normally happens to about 75% of the asthmatic population. Its intensity may depend on the kind of asthma that the person has.

A cough is usually marked at the end of every asthma attack where the cough is producing stringy and thick mucus. If the asthma attack is acute, then the inflammation inside the respiratory airways can only persist for about a few days or even several weeks.

Lethargy is also one of those common asthma attack symptoms. It refers to the feeling of tiredness, which is quite usual for asthmatic persons. It is the result of some sleep patterns that are interrupted, availability of oxygen to the blood and body tissues, and building up of muscular lactic acid, which then result in generalized fatigue of the muscles.

Learn what are the common causes of asthma at my asthma homeopathy site. Learn how to prevent asthma attacks by identifying the common asthma attack symptoms.

Eczema Treatment - Eating Fats Can Help You Get Rid of Eczema

There are a number of different types of fat that are normally consumed in the average person's diet. At one point in history, it was said that fats were bad for you, and that you should not eat fats. The results were that people got sicker. One of the conditions that people became sick with is eczema.

After a while the cry went out again that people should be eating fats because they are essential to good health. This is a better statement than the first, but even still, this statement is not completely true. Of four kinds of fats, only one of them is completely beneficial to you. Your body can do without the other forms of fats. These other types of fats will not have a calming effect on your eczema.

Fats are essential to the proper function of the human body. You will often hear the term essential fatty acids. That statement is very correct. The body's operations require a good bit of fat for smooth running. As a matter of fact, the brain is made up of more than 60% fat, and the energy that the heart uses is comprised of more than 60% fat; and this is fat that has to be replaced.

One of the worse fats to consume is trans fats. Not only are they the worse, they are more abundant in the lifestyles of people in the western world. Trans fats are often hydrogenised. Trans fats are produced mainly when vegetable oils are heated, and hydrogen is passed through it. The process is called hydrogenization, and it results in nothing good for eczema.

You will find that baked foods, fried foods, snack foods, and pre-mixed foods are the ones that contain a lot of trans fats.

The fats you want to make sure that your diet includes are polyunsaturated fats. You will be able to recognize these fats by their constituency. When oil remains liquid at room temperature and at refrigerated temperatures, it is likely a polyunsaturated oil.

These oils come from sunflowers, corn, flaxseed, walnuts and fish. Omega-3 fats are also found in this group of fats. It is probably better that you get your omega-3 fats from supplements rather than food. This type of fat is important as it will have a direct effect on the eczema that is in you just awaiting an opportunity to lash out.

Do you want to learn more about eczema. Download my free ebook now click here http://www.eczemabathsalts.com.

Broyde McDonald is an experienced writer on the subject of
Eczema Treatments.
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Food Allergies Or Food Intolerance and Nutrition

There is a lot of confusion around the difference between food allergies and food intolerances.

A person with a food intolerance is unable to digest and process that food correctly, usually due to a lack of a certain enzyme or enzymes. It usually occurs when too much of a particular food is eaten, or too often. Common offenders are wheat and dairy, as well as eggs, oranges and sugar. If you avoid these foods for a few months, you may find that you will be able to tolerate them again in small quantities.

A food allergy, on the other hand, occurs when a person's immune system generates an antibody response to the ingested food. Food intolerances can lead to allergy, however, if protein particles of undigested food manage to enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction.
Allergies are often similar to an addiction, in so far as it's often the food you desire most that you're allergic to.

Food intolerances are very common, and true allergies less so. If you suspect you have either, it's best to see a nutritional consultant or allergy specialist who can test you and also advise you on how to deal with any underlying digestive imbalances that provoke allergies.
By following an appropriate diet and taking a few supplements, most cases of food intolerance can be dealt with.

In the meantime, Vitamin C, calcium and magnesium, a digestive enzyme, and quercetin can be very helpful. L-Glutamine, Butyric Acid, Vitamin A and Essential Fatty Acids will help heal the gut so that allergies or intolerances become less of a problem, if at all.

Allergies and Food Intolerance - Here are some Dietary Suggestions
Follow a generally healthy diet.

Avoid foods which you suspect might be causing you problems. Especially avoid wheat and dairy, as these are the most common allergens.
Other common allergens are yeast, strawberries, eggs, corn, citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine and sugar.

If you appear to be sensitive to lots of different foods, visit an allergy specialist or qualified nutrition consultant, to ensure you still receive a balanced diet and sufficient nutrients.

For children especially, food colourings are a common problem, and monosodium glutamate (flavouring) often causes skin rashes or hot flushes (Chinese Takeaway Syndrome).
Hopefully this general information will be sufficient for many people to conquer their food intolerances, but others will require specialist help as mentioned above.

This article was written by Sonja VanderDol, Nutritional Therapist and founder of http://www.health4youonline.com where you can find many more articles like this. You can also sign up for the free newsletter.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Back Pain and Easy Treatment

Detailed below are common causes of back pain as well as its treatment and prevention. But if you are suffering from back pain, it is always best to visit your physician. Seeking professional help is always better than self-diagnosis. Remember, if the pain you are experiencing is coupled with weakness, numbness and/or radiates down to your leg, see a doctor immediately.

Back Pain Causes Back pain, particularly lower back or lumbar spine pain is brought about by muscle strains. Nearly everyone suffer from it a moment or two in their lives. The muscles sustaining the spinal column are used perpetually. The spine frequently turns, straightens, bends, and bears weight. These continuous traumas on the back lead to back pains and strains. It is the lower back that is usually impaired as it sustains the body's weight and is therefore prone to reflex stresses.

While most causes of back pain is triggered by muscle strain, there are also other non-muscle sources of back pain. Sciatica, not a disorder but a spreading pain brought about by a dense or swelled sciatic nerve, is one example. Kidney-related illnesses can also cause back pain. Osteoarthritis is also a usual source of pains for those aged more than 65 years.

Bending down for long periods and habitually arching the shoulders affect the spines that often result to a chronic back pain. Chronic back pains are classified as those recurring for more than three months, and should be checked by a specialist.

Depression and stress are also frequently associated to back pains. Stress can cause our muscles to tighten, lessening blood flow to the tissues that commonly triggers pain. To alleviate pressure and relieve stress, it's good to relax and exercise regularly.

Back Pain Treatments
A. Home Treatments Generally, back pains can be alleviated if given the proper attention with rigid home remedy. Taking pain relievers and/or paracetamol can help relieve the pain. Be careful however with prolonged use as this can be habit-forming. A bed rest lasting for not more than two days is fine. Resting for an extended period will only worsen your back.
Some of the more common home remedies include the application of cold or hot compresses on your back, but these are temporary reliefs. Again, it is still best to consult your physician.
Engage in regular physical activities to reduce the chances of back pains. Exercise, after all, is still the best way to relieve stress.

B. Exercise and physical therapy Physical therapists have their patients undergo some ultrasound tests before treatment. Some of the approaches they use in therapy include ice and heat application, muscle-release approach and electric stimulations on the tissues and muscles to alleviate back pains. As patients get better, the therapists instruct their patients with proper exercises to enhance posture, toughen the abdomen and back, and promote flexibility.

C. Drugs and Medications Ordinary pain killers are sometimes not adequate. Your physician may recommend a muscle relaxant and non-steroids anti-inflammation medicines like Vitamin-B complex to facilitate the relief of back pains. Low-dose anti-depressants like tricyclic antidepressants are effective in easing chronic back pain, aside from relieving depression.

For more information on Chronic Back Pain and Back Pain Diagnosis please visit our website.

Is Your Computer Causing Your Back Pain?

How do you feel after a long day of sitting behind your computer? Do you experience headaches or neck and back pain ? If you do, you are not alone. Many people with desk jobs find that the mere act of sitting all day sends them home with discomfort that can keep them from enjoying their favorite leisure time activities. Sitting places pressure on the back and neck, and improper posture from slouching or hunching over the keyboard exacerbates the problem. If your computer is causing back pain , there are some steps you can take to alleviate the discomfort and prevent further pain.


The first step in easing back pain is to find an ergonomic chair that will help you maximize support to your back and encourage better posture. Once you have found the ergonomic chair that is most comfortable to you, the next step will be to adjust it so that it conforms perfectly to your unique body proportions. This will relieve pressure to your back while you are sitting and keep your spine aligned properly throughout the day. There are many measurements you can check to ensure that your chair is properly adjusted, but the main rules are to make sure your elbows are at a 90% angle and your computer screen is at eye level. Another important adjustment is to the armrest, which should raise your arms just slightly at the shoulder to take pressure off the shoulders and neck area.


The other important component to preventing back pain while working at your computer all day is to ake frequent breaks for stretching. Take a minute or two every half hour to stand, walk or stretch your muscles that are becoming strained from a single position. Even a brief stroll to the water cooler or bathroom will give your back the break it needs during the day and help prevent back pain . If possible, take a longer walk at lunchtime that will increase your circulation and nourish the spine and surrounding muscles. By sticking with a regular exercise program every day that includes core strengthening, such as weight training or yoga, you can also do much to prevent future back pain from occurring.

Back pain is a common problem with those who sit in front of a computer screen all day, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to alleviate the problem. Find an ergonomic desk chair and adjust it to fit your individual body proportions. Take frequent breaks during the day to stand, walk and stretch. Finally, stick with a regular exercise program that will strengthen the back and prevent problems before they occur. Your back will be less painful for it and your days will be more productive.

For more information about pain relief and Tramadol from Brian Welsch check http://www.tramadolhome.com