Thursday, October 9, 2008

Food Allergies Or Food Intolerance and Nutrition

There is a lot of confusion around the difference between food allergies and food intolerances.

A person with a food intolerance is unable to digest and process that food correctly, usually due to a lack of a certain enzyme or enzymes. It usually occurs when too much of a particular food is eaten, or too often. Common offenders are wheat and dairy, as well as eggs, oranges and sugar. If you avoid these foods for a few months, you may find that you will be able to tolerate them again in small quantities.

A food allergy, on the other hand, occurs when a person's immune system generates an antibody response to the ingested food. Food intolerances can lead to allergy, however, if protein particles of undigested food manage to enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction.
Allergies are often similar to an addiction, in so far as it's often the food you desire most that you're allergic to.

Food intolerances are very common, and true allergies less so. If you suspect you have either, it's best to see a nutritional consultant or allergy specialist who can test you and also advise you on how to deal with any underlying digestive imbalances that provoke allergies.
By following an appropriate diet and taking a few supplements, most cases of food intolerance can be dealt with.

In the meantime, Vitamin C, calcium and magnesium, a digestive enzyme, and quercetin can be very helpful. L-Glutamine, Butyric Acid, Vitamin A and Essential Fatty Acids will help heal the gut so that allergies or intolerances become less of a problem, if at all.

Allergies and Food Intolerance - Here are some Dietary Suggestions
Follow a generally healthy diet.

Avoid foods which you suspect might be causing you problems. Especially avoid wheat and dairy, as these are the most common allergens.
Other common allergens are yeast, strawberries, eggs, corn, citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine and sugar.

If you appear to be sensitive to lots of different foods, visit an allergy specialist or qualified nutrition consultant, to ensure you still receive a balanced diet and sufficient nutrients.

For children especially, food colourings are a common problem, and monosodium glutamate (flavouring) often causes skin rashes or hot flushes (Chinese Takeaway Syndrome).
Hopefully this general information will be sufficient for many people to conquer their food intolerances, but others will require specialist help as mentioned above.

This article was written by Sonja VanderDol, Nutritional Therapist and founder of where you can find many more articles like this. You can also sign up for the free newsletter.